Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Guitars (Loud as Fuck)

Guitars are done. Up above is a shot of the beautiful machine we're recording on. The man who's face didn't make it in the picture is Rockin' George, a Rock and Roll guru of sorts. He provided the PA to blast the drum and bass through for Luke and I to play to. One thing is for sure about this album: it's going to sound loud. Every aspect of the recording has been done at volumes that are almost unbearable, just the way we like it.

The next step is recording the last two songs of the album, which we will be doing in a live setting. This will most likely be done at The Hacker Mansion as well. After that it will be time to move onto vocals.

It's all happening. More to come.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Drum and Bass

We are one session into recording our first full length album. Up above you can see us in the heat of it, literally. The place is called The Vatican. It's located in Newport, Kentucky. It's a big ass old church that has had all the pews taken out of it so events can be held. Let me explain how hot it was in this motherfucker: It was hot as fuck outside on Friday right? 95 and sunny. Well, when you walked outside of this place it felt like heaven. Dave literally played until he puked. We had to call it a night after 10 out of 12 songs were recorded because of health concerns.

Tonight we'll be tracking guitars at The Hacker Mansion.

Special thanks to Abdi at The Gypsy Cafe for letting us get the space at the last minute.


Monday, July 19, 2010


The time has come. THE DUKES are headed into the studio (sort of) to begin recording their first full length album. What you see up above is what we'll be recording on: tape. We dreamed of this day, and it has finally come. THE DUKES love old broken ass shit, and reel to reel is going to give us that raw loud sound you get at our live shows. We still haven't decided on a title for the album, but the track list is as follows:

1. Get Funny
2. Magic Lover
3. My Baby Said
4. You Take the Bullet
5. Caterpillar
6. Death Bed Blues
7. Make Me Purr/Do the Twist
8. Ain't Got No
9. The Horror
10. Elephant
11. Evil Blues
12. What I'm Capable Of

If you're a DUKES fan, you might be thinking, "Where's *insert song title here*?" The fact of the matter is, there were a lot of songs to choose from, and this set is what we think comprises some of our best. As I said before, we begin recording this Friday. When will the album come out? We don't know, but stay tuned for more shit.

Rock and Roll lives.